"""""" """"""" !"*"**""*"""""""" "**"*/ */""!"*" "/"""" LFICO LFEDIT &File &Open &Save Save &As &Run... &Print E&xit &Edit &Undo Alt+BxSp Cu&t Shift+Del &Copy Ctrl+Ins &Paste Shift+Ins C&lear Del &Select All &Help &About lfEdit... LFEDIT PRINTDLGBOX LfEdit Sending to print spooler. Cancel ABOUTBOX Just Say 'No' to Backpropagation! Adaptive Logic Network Interpreter lfico Windows version by Monroe M. Thomas based on code by Andrew Dwelly FILEOPEN Open File &Name: &Files in &Open Cancel FILESAVE Save File &Name AS: Cancel OUTFILE Output File &Name: Cancel LFICO LFEDIT PRINTDLGBOX ABOUTBOX FILEOPEN FILESAVE OUTFILE LFEDIT